Welcome to Arnold’s Cove! As a newcomer to our community, this page can provide you with information to help you get settled and oriented.
Arnold’s Cove is the gateway to Placentia Bay and is home to the Icewater Seafoods fish processing plant and the IMTT-NTL, Ltd. transshipment terminal at Whiffen Head. During the 1960s, Arnold’s Cove was one of the growth centres identified by the provincial government during the resettlement program and the town received more than100 resettled houses that were floated in from the Placentia Bay islands. Many of these structures are still homes in the community today. The last house floated into Arnold’s Cove which was owned by Frank Drake is preserved by the Town as a museum.
The community provides services including a K-12 regional school (Tricentia Academy), four Christian churches (Anglican, Pentecostal, Salvation Army and United), a Lions Club and a post office. There are also a variety of businesses such as accommodations, grocery, hardware and restaurants, all which can be found on our Business Directory page.
The Town has a close partnership with the Arnold’s Cove Recreation Committee, and provides recreational programs and events for all ages. Recreational facilities include a Recreation Centre, Community Centre, gym, ball field, dog park and sliding hill (winter). For more information on our recreation programming, contact the Town Hall at (709) 463-2323 or follow the Recreation's Facebook page.
There are also several community groups that strengthen the social fabric of the town including the Arnold’s Cove Volunteer Fire Department, Arnold’s Cove Heritage Foundation, 50+ Club, and church groups just to name a few. For more information, visit our Community Groups page.
If you require any additional information, please contact the Town office at (709) 463-2323; we will be happy to assist you.